(English below)
『ザ・ダイアローグ: Arts & Women』
価格 1,500円(税込 1,650円)
送料 280円(国内)
サイズ A5(148×210x5mm)
頁数 72頁
言語 日本語と英語(02を除き日英併記)
発行 2021年12月
発行者 女性作曲家会議
01 プロローグ
02 データから音楽業界の男女比と決定権の所在に
03 タイムライン:日本人女性作曲家と歴史
04 志田笙子インタビュー
05 塩見允枝子インタビュー
06 エピローグ
It was only through forming jwcm and starting our activities that I learned of Michiko Toyama. Ai Watanabe came across her biography in a long-out-of-print book "女性作曲家列伝” (Women Composers: A Biography, edited by Midori Kobayashi) in the library of Geidai (Tokyo University of Arts).
Toyama, we learned, was the first Japanese composer selected at the International Contemporary Music Festival (now "ISCM World Music Days"). She studied under Milhaud and Messiaen after moving to France at the age of seventeen, and even trained in electronic music at Columbia University afterwards. The only work of hers that we currently have access to is Waka for electronics.
Given such an illustrious career, how could we have been so unaware of her?
―from "Epilogue"
Price: 1,500 yen (1,650 yen incl. tax)
Shipping: 280 yen (domestic)
*incl. handling fee
*Due to the spread of Covid-19 infection, we are experiencing instability in overseas shippings. If you would like to receive your order at an overseas address, please contact us individually by email.
Size: A5 (148x210x5mm)
Number of pages: 72 pages
Language: Japanese and English (written in both Japanese and English except 02)
※Limited to 350 copies.
Published on December 2021
Publisher: Japanese Women Composers Meeting
■ Contents ■
01 Prologue
02 What Gender Ratios in the Japanese Classical Music Industry Can Tell Us About Where Decision-Making Power Lies
03 Timeline: Japanese Women Composers and History
04 Interview with Shoko Shida
05 Interview with Mieko Shiomi
06 Epilogue
For more information, please visit (⁎⁍̴̆Ɛ⁍̴̆⁎)